

  • What is Astrology

    In India, the Study of Astrology or Jyotish Shastra can be traced to the Vedic times. Glimpses of Astrology Traditions are visible in the ‘Atharva-Veda’, one among the most sacred texts of India. Ancient Indian Vedas Astrology in India, more popularly known as Jyotish, relies more on the Sidereal ( according to the Stars ) positions of the Planets, just as one sees them in the Sky, against the positions assigned to few relatively fixed Stars.

    This Ancient system of Indian Vedic Astrology is thus scientific in Nature and employs many Complex Mathematical Calculations to arrive an astute Astrology Predictions and Prophecies.

    Vedic Astrology is an ancient Indian Science which explains Planetary Motions and Positions with respect to Time and their Effects on Humans and Other Entities on Earth. Vedic Astrology can be traced Thousands of years back. Early Vedic Astrology was only based on the movement of Planets with Respect to Stars, but later on it’s started including Zodiac Signs as well.

    According to Vedas Astrology there are 27 + 1 Constellations made up of 12 Zodiac Signs, 9 Planets and 12 Houses. With each House and Plant representing some aspect of Human Life.

    Depending on when a Person is Born, the 12 Signs are distributed among the 12 Houses and 9 Planets are placed in Various Houses of Kundalis.
    This visual representation of the snapshot of the Signs and Planets is called a Kundali / Horoscope Chart.

    Vedic Astrology is nothing but interpreting the meaning of these arrangements as it applies to Humans and Other Entities.

    According to Indian Vedic Astrology in India, or celestial bodies, be it the Sun, The Moon, The Planets or stars, influence the Terrestrial Phenomena, or indicate such Phenomena by their various Configurations. The Configurations of the Planets and Stars at the moment of Birth determines one’s basic Life Story Inclinations, Characteristics, strengths, Weaknesses. Horoscope, or the Natal Chart, is therefore the Construction of the Basic placement of Planets at the time of Birth. That is why it is termed as a Janam-Patri in Indian Vedic Astrology.

    In the Indian Astrology, also known as MOON ASTROLOGY has its Origins in the Indian Ancient Vedas, the oldest sacred texts. In the Indian Astrology System there are TWLEVE ZODIAC SIGNS.

    The 12 Zodiac Sighs in Vedic Science and Western Science.


    Indian Signs

    Western Signs

    1  Mesh Aries

    2  Vrishabh Taurus

    3  Mithun  Gemini

    4  Kark Cancer

    5  Simha-Leo

    6  Kanya Virgo

    7  Tula Libra

    8  Vri- shchik Scorpio

    9  Dhanu Sagittarius-

    10  Makar Capricorn

    11  Kumbh Aquariu- s

    12 Meen Pisces

    Total 27 + 1 Nakshatras (i.e.Constellation)

    Bha- rani.
    Mrigshirs- ha.
    Ashl- esha.
    Purva Phalguni.
    Uttara Phalguni.
    Vi- shakha.
    Purva Shadha.
    Uttara Shadha.
    Sha- tbhisha.
    Purva Bhadrapada.
    Uttara Bhadrapada.
    Abhijit (This Nakshatra is Not considered while studying the Horoscope.)
    As per Vedas and Shastras there is Five Elements Total:

    Fire ( Agni )
    Water ( Jal )
    Earth ( Prithvi )
    Air ( Vayu )
    Sky ( Akash )
     In short, Indian Astrology consists of deepest Knowledge of this noble and precise Science of Astrology, by using which one can foretell future and can take precautions before difficulties arise.


    Posted By www.astromeans.comIn India, the Study of Astrology or Jyotish Shastra can be traced to the Vedic times. Glimpses of Astrology Traditions are visible in the ‘Atharva-Veda’, one among the most sacred texts of India. Ancient Indian Vedas Astrology in India, more popularly known as Jyotish, relies more on the Sidereal ( according to the Stars ) positions of the Planets, just as one sees them in the Sky, against the positions assigned to few relatively fixed Stars.

    This Ancient system of Indian Vedic Astrology is thus scientific in Nature and employs many Complex Mathematical Calculations to arrive an astute Astrology Predictions and Prophecies.

    Vedic Astrology is an ancient Indian Science which explains Planetary Motions and Positions with respect to Time and their Effects on Humans and Other Entities on Earth. Vedic Astrology can be traced Thousands of years back. Early Vedic Astrology was only based on the movement of Planets with Respect to Stars, but later on it’s started including Zodiac Signs as well.

    According to Vedas Astrology there are 27 + 1 Constellations made up of 12 Zodiac Signs, 9 Planets and 12 Houses. With each House and Plant representing some aspect of Human Life. Depending on when a Person is Born, the 12 Signs are distributed among the 12 Houses and 9 Planets are placed in Various Houses of Kundalis.

    This visual representation of the snapshot of the Signs and Planets is called a Kundali / Horoscope Chart.

    Vedic Astrology is nothing but interpreting the meaning of these arrangements as it applies to Humans and Other Entities.

    According to Indian Vedic Astrology in India, or celestial bodies, be it the Sun, The Moon, The Planets or stars, influence the Terrestrial Phenomena, or indicate such Phenomena by their various Configurations. The Configurations of the Planets and Stars at the moment of Birth determines one’s basic Life Story Inclinations, Characteristics, strengths, Weaknesses. Horoscope, or the Natal Chart, is therefore the Construction of the Basic placement of Planets at the time of Birth. That is why it is termed as a Janam-Patri in Indian Vedic Astrology.

    In the Indian Astrology, also known as MOON ASTROLOGY has its Origins in the Indian Ancient Vedas, the oldest sacred texts. In the Indian Astrology System there are TWLEVE ZODIAC SIGNS.

    The 12 Zodiac Sighs in Vedic Science and Western Science.

    Indian Signs

    Western Signs

    1  Mesh Aries

    2  Vrishabh Taurus

    3  Mithun Gemini

    4  Kark Cancer

    5  Simha-Leo

    6  Kanya Virgo

    7 Tula Libra

    8  Vri- shchik Scorpio

    9  Dhanu Sagittarius

    10 Makar Capricorn

    11 Kumbh Aquariu- s

    12 Meen Pisces

    Total 27 + 1 Nakshatras (i.e.Constellation)


    Bha- rani.



    Mrigshirs- ha.




    Ashl- esha.


    Purva Phalguni.

    Uttara Phalguni.




    Vi- shakha.




    Purva Shadha.

    Uttara Shadha.



    Sha- tbhisha.

    Purva Bhadrapada.

    Uttara Bhadrapada.


    Abhijit (This Nakshatra is Not considered while studying the Horoscope.)

    As per Vedas and Shastras there is Five Elements Total:

    Fire ( Agni )

    Water ( Jal )

    Earth ( Prithvi )

    Air ( Vayu )

    Sky ( Akash )

     In short, Indian Astrology consists of deepest Knowledge of this noble and precise Science of Astrology, by using which one can foretell future and can take precautions before difficulties arise.

  • About Astrology

    Astrology: By knowing your birth date, time and place the details of the things are being happening with you could be known. Your problems can be sorted out with the help of Gems, Chanting and Homage. You may know following points using astrology: 1) Which gem should be worn at which particular time and which one is not. Which planet should be homage or not. From when you are affected by Sadhesaati or Adhaiya of Saturn and what are their good and bad effects. Are you Manglik or not. Are you affected by KALSARPYOG or you are getting its goof effect. How many auspicious and inauspicious combinations are present in your horoscope, and when these combinations will occur. How much you will rise in your life. 2) What would be your nature, physical structure and strength and attitude. Will you be attractive are ugly. 3) How well your family relationship will be. What about your wealth position. from where and How will you get wealth. What about your verbal communication. Will you be affected by any edict? 4) What about your guts and courage. Will you get the help of your younger brother and sister or not. Are you able take any kind of risk or not. When you will do journeys 5) Will you get property, vehicle or house. Will your mind be relaxed or not. How is your basic education. 6) How well your public relation, intellect a